For cleaner future
AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s. r. o. has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. In the waste management services market, we specialise primarily in municipal services, services for industrial enterprises, remediation of old environmental damage and facility management.
Corporate Video
Company Management
Ing. Aleš Hampl, MBA
Managing and Executive Director
Bc. František Dombek
Executive Director
Ing. Radim Kotlář
Executive Director
Ing. Dušan Svoboda
Executive Director
Ing. Jan Žurek
Chief Clerk
Ing. Milan Korecký
Chief Clerk
Ing. Olga Šmídlová
Chief Clerk
Ing. Michal Klimeš
Chief Clerk
Membership in professional associations and organisations
Clean future is our common goal
Caring for the environment is the foundation of our business.
We take care of waste generated by the society while strictly respecting the ecological aspect of our business. Therefore, landfills are not only facilities for waste disposal, but they are equipped with advanced sorting lines, decontaminating areas and areas for biological treatment of waste and with equipment for environmentally friendly cleaning of leachate. We use landfill gas to generate electricity. Our vehicles run on natural gas. We invoice in electronic form only.
We remediate and rehabilitate the landscape
We help the environment recover from the impacts of heavy and chemical industries. We remediate old environmental damage. We rehabilitate contaminated soils and bodies of water so that they can once again serve the community.
We act transparently
We strive to ensure that our business is as transparent as possible. Our employees adhere to a strict code of ethics and are regularly trained in antitrust law and the principles of public procurement.
We are responsible
Our facilities comply with the most stringent environmental and safety regulations, we hold the ""Waste Management Professional"" certificate and the ISO 14001 certificate (environmental management).
We care for our community, we help others
We support the development of cities and towns in the regions: we participate in charitable and cultural events, support local associations and sports clubs. We cooperate with schools and towns in environmental education projects – we regularly organise so-called Eco Days, Children's Days, and Earth Days. For children and the youth, we organise tours of our facilities, secondary raw materials collection contests, and we teach children how to sort waste.
Company Values






AVE CZ participates in a number of sponsorship activities in the regions where it operates. For many towns, AVE CZ is not only an important business partner, but it is also becoming an important partner for local sports clubs, cultural associations and charitable organisations. For many years, we have also been supporting, for example: Judo Čáslav, Benátky nad Jizerou Volleyball Club, PET-ART in Brandýs nad Labem or the Czech Tourist Club in Kolín.
AVE CZ is also the general partner of the Athlete of the Year Award, the official partner of the National Ice Hockey League, a partner of the Czech Ice Hockey National Team and an important sponsor of top Czech football teams.
Our most important partners include
Our most important partners include
Eva Samková
AC Sparta Praha
FK Mladá Boleslav
SJ Dynamo České Budějovice
FK Ústí nad Labem
HC Slovan Ústí nad Labem
FK Čáslav
FK Berrani Zlín
Novoborský šachový klub
Autodrom Sosnová a Rally Bohemia 2019
Volejbalový klub Odolená Voda
Floorbal Club Česká Lípa
Ypsilon Golf Liberec
Our other supported activities
Our other supported activities
Společnost AVE CZ se stala partnerem projektu Malá technická univerzita, konkrétně části ,,Malý zpracovatel odpadů,,.
Spojujeme environmentální vzdělávání s moderními technologiemi pro udržitelnou budoucnost.
In the Czech Republic, the AVE Group has implemented a uniform organisational leadership and management method - integrated management system in accordance with the requirements of applicable law and international standards:systém řízení v souladu s požadavky obecně závazných předpisů a mezinárodních norem.
Odborný podnik pro nakládání s odpady
The AVE group of companies also holds the industry certificate "Specialist waste management company".
DokumentOur certificates are issued for the following scope of activities:
Our certificates are issued for the following scope of activities:
Comprehensive waste management and environmental protection services
Environmental protection consulting services
Restoration and hydrogeological work and remediation of old environmental damage
Winter and summer maintenance of roads and greenery
Use and processing of waste and production of materials for restoration and construction
Facility management and cleaning services